You deserve to be understood.

Navigating health issues can be time-consuming, confusing, frustrating, and expensive. And even after all that time, energy, and money spent, you still don’t have the desired results. I have been in that place as a patient and family member helping my family navigate their health. We are bombarded with information from sources everywhere telling us conflicting messages about what is “right” and what is “wrong” in terms of what is healthy and how to achieve the results you want. The beauty of using intuitive processes and energy work is that you get to the heart of the matter quickly and know what is specific to you and your life, not generalized protocols for a category you fit in.

The road to feeling healthy can be straightforward.

Our physical reality is inextricably linked to our mind, spirit, and connection to each other. We must address all at the same time to see the results we want. Focusing only on the body or a particular life issue can cause significant frustration and confusion, and this holistic approach provides clarity and support for all aspects of your living experience. The more we embrace all parts of ourselves, the less room there is for fear and discomfort.

Work With Me

  • Intuitive Wellness 1:1 Virtual Session

    Most life issues show up in your tissues, so money, relationships, or even work issues may surface as a physical symptom in order to get your attention to be addressed and resolved. We will work together to help you gain clarity on your purpose and what imbalances and interferences are not aligned with your purpose and causing you symptoms. The root of what we will be identifying and working through are subconscious conditioning and programming that are working against you. Compare subconscious programming with software that you computer runs on. Even as you grow and gain knowledge and wisdom, your subconscious holds the blueprint to what is going to work for you and what is not. Sometimes, we have outdated "software", or subconscious programming, that keeps us stuck - not just in our lives but in bodily dis-ease. Through the session, you will be able to resolve these programs so that you can heal and move forward without having anything working against you.

Free Webinar on Self-Love

Mastering self-love is an integral part of life and the healing process, and it is something that you can do on your own, whether you work with me or not. I invite you to treat yourself to a fresh perspective on self-love and how to cultivate it.

And it’s free!

Christie Eastep HHP

I have combined my formal education and experience in the medical field with my independent study of functional and integrative health, root cause methodology, subconscious re-programming, inner-child healing, and balancing the energy body to create a truly unique and practical approach for people to transform their health and their lives. We were not created by God to be sick all of the time, and it is my deepest desire to support our design to be well so that we can fulfill our purpose - to help and love others.