Who can benefit from this type of work?

  • Someone who...

    has struggled to find answers or resolutions to nagging physical symptoms.

    gets rid of one physical symptom only to have another symptom replace it.

    has had their experience misunderstood, discounted, or denied by professionals.

  • Someone who...

    has put time and effort into working on themselves but still finds themselves in the same situations over and over again even though they change their surroundings.

    whose instincts tell them that something else, outside of their own will, is driving them on their path.

  • Someone who...

    has tried other approaches to well-being but didn’t experience the outcomes they were hoping for, or the outcome they wanted was only maintained by rigid and strict regimens.

    does not take “no” or “I don’t know” for an answer.

Appointment Outline:

  • We will start by getting acquainted and reviewing your experiences, concerns, and what you want to focus on.

  • I will provide an intuitive perspective on your purpose so we have a frame of reference for your imbalances and symptoms.

  • We will review all imbalances that do not match with your purpose, subconscious, and anywhere else. I created a map to show us exactly how we are designed to operate and pinpoint exactly where your design needs a shift.

  • Your higher self will provide us with specific healing actions to complete within the session to resolve the imbalances. We will walk through these resolutions together. An example of a resolution is self-love at a particular age or reparenting a younger version of you with updated information and guidance.

  • After all the healing actions are complete, your higher self will provide us with a list of next steps for you to address after the session.

My approach is based on the premise that almost everything in our physical reality, whether that be our health, relationships, money, or overall abundance, is simply a reflection of subconscious programs, energetic entanglements, lack of self-love, and other deeply entrenched components that we are not always aware of. On the front end of this process, we delve into what is practical and aligned for your highest and best good to shift and work on. The core of what I do is energy work to support, heal, and balance those unseen components stifling your healing, abundance, and progress toward your goals. This process is powerful and efficient. Everyone’s session looks and sounds different, and yours will be customized to meet your needs in the most aligned way possible.

Let’s work together.

My goal is to empower you to take the necessary steps to see the changes you want to achieve. Wellness is multi-dimensional.

Click “play” to watch a brief word from Christie as she explains some of how this work “works.”