Meet Christie

Hello, and welcome to my little corner of the internet. It means so much to me that you are here and interested in who I am.

I grew up in a small town in Texas on a few acres with some farm animals. I was in 4-H and raised a lamb named Tammy— ”Tammy Lamby”. I wrote a story about her in grade school, and I still have it. In high school, I played on the golf team and took all AP classes to push myself as hard as possible. Some of my fondest memories are spending time with my Grandmother, who taught me about art, creativity, and being present. We spent many hours making up our own games, having tea parties, painting, and reading books together. She was a magical person and made everything we did so special. I am very nostalgic and sentimental and love to learn about the experiences of those who came before me. In addition, while I am no longer affiliated with any specific religious organization, my belief in God is unwavering despite experiencing many years of religious trauma and abuse. I have used those experiences to understand even deeper how illness can take hold in the body and why.

Professionally, I decided when I was 16, based on my own health issues and weight issues, that I wanted to be a dietitian. I believed there could be no other root cause than food —and I was wrong. I became a registered and licensed dietitian, and I knew within a year of working as a dietitian that the practical application of my years in college was not yielding the results I expected for my patients. However, due to my life circumstances as a single mom, I had to work first and dream about other possibilities later. Here we are, 22 years later, and I have left my career and highly esteemed position as a clinical manager in a well-known hospital to follow my dreams of helping people in a dynamic way that gets results.

I have suffered in my health a great deal. I have spent countless hours, dollars, and tears trying to find relief for myself and my child. Thanks to the internet, I tried everything I could get my hands on. I’ve done strict diets, neverending supplement protocols, and complete lifestyle overhauls only to see minimal results. And sometimes, I just traded one symptom for another.

My work is intended to help you save time, energy, money, frustration, confusion, and tears. I know firsthand what sickness causes. I had to create this work to get the results I believed were possible. I was not willing to stay sick, and neither should you.

Get the results you want so you can spend all that time, money, and energy on something fun, fulfilling, and joyful! That is my wish for you, and that is what I designed this work to do for us.